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Por Gabriela Mac�do, g1 Goi�s

03/12/2023 11h05 Atualizado 03/12/2023

Corpo � achado em cal�ada, e pol�cia suspeita que seja de adolescente que sumiu ao ir buscar irm� em escola - Goi�s �
: Montagem/g1 Goi�s

A casa do homem que teve o carro apreendido por passar com o carro em uma rua no momento em que o corpo de Am�lia Vit�ria foi deixado na cal�ada foi queimada por populares, segundo o Corpo de Bombeiros. Ao g1, a Pol�cia Militar informou que ele � suspeito de ter cometido o crime contra a adolescente.

De acordo com o Corpo de Bombeiros, o inc�ndio foi controlado e sem grandes propor��es. No entanto, quando os militares chegaram no loca, havia fogo na sala e na cozinha. Al�m disso, a corpora��o informou que o fogo estava concentrado em uma mesa e em cadeiras, al�m de objetos que n�o foram identificados.

Como o nome do suspeito n�o foi divulgado pela pol�cia, o g1 n�o conseguiu localizar a defesa dele para um posicionamento at� a �ltima atualiza��o desta reportagem.

Relembre o caso

V�deos mostram menina de 14 anos caminhando por rua antes de desaparecer em Goi�s

Am�lia Vit�ria desapareceu na tarde de quinta-feira (30). A tia da adolescente, Cristiane Moreira, disse que, quando a menina saiu da casa, n�o levou celular, pois estava chovendo e que ela foi � p� porque a bicicleta estava estragada. �Esse � um trajeto que ela faz todos os dias h� uns 3 meses�, afirmou.

Cristiane contou ainda que a fam�lia percebeu a falta de Am�lia quando a escola da irm� mais nova, de 9 anos, ligou dizendo que ningu�m foi busc�-la. Neste momento, a pol�cia come�ou as buscas por Am�lia. V�deos mostram a menina caminhando pelas ruas antes de desaparecer (assista acima).

A tia relatou que Am�lia � uma garota que n�o � rebelde e n�o teria motivos para fugir. "Ela sempre foi bem tranquila, muito calma, nunca deu trabalho nenhum. Ela � uma menina bem na dela, de poucos amigos e super carinhosa, super amiga, com todo mundo. Sempre era muito instru�da�, completou.

O corpo de uma menina envolto em um len�ol foi encontrado em uma cal�ada no s�bado (2). Pouco depois um exame confirmou que realmente seria de Am�lia Vit�ria. A Pol�cia Cient�fica afirma que a identifica��o do corpo foi feita por meio de exame de papilosc�pica, ou seja, por meio da impress�o digital.

Veja tamb�m

Venezuelanos votam em referendo sobre anexa��o de 70% da Guiana

Imagens mostram avan�o de afundamento do solo em Macei�

Solo em �rea que pode colapsar afundou 1,69 metro em 5 dias

Guerras que envolvem acesso � �gua batem recorde; entenda

Explos�o deixa 4 mortos e dezenas de feridos em missa cat�lica nas Filipinas

A vila perdida que abriga apenas 7 fam�lias no litoral de SP

2� dia de Primavera Sound tem The Cure, Beck e Bad Religion

CCXP: Timoth�e Chalamet, Zendaya e Jason Momoa s�o destaques hoje

Afundamento de Macei�, 'vila perdida' em SP, Mingau em recupera��o e mais V�DEOS


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    Guts is a comparing card game, or family of card games, related to poker. Guts is a

    gambling game involving a series of deals of 2, 3, or 4 cards. Hand are ranked

    similarly to hands in poker. The betting during each deal is simple : all players

    decide whether they are "in" or "out",[1] and announce this at the same time. Each deal

    has its own showdown, after which the losers match or increase the pot, which grows

    rapidly. A round of the game ends when only one person stays in and wins the pot.


    rules [ edit ]

    In "Two-Card Guts", each player is dealt down, two hole-cards, at the

    beginning of a new deal. Two Card Poker rankings apply; Pairs are ranked over high

    cards; however there are no 'straights' or 'flushes' in two card guts (or two card


    One variation of 2-card guts, ranks 23 (of any suits) as the highest ranking

    hand, trumping AA (pocket aces). Even though getting dealt 23 is more probable than AA

    (16 possible combinations of 23 compared to only 6 combinations of AA, or 1.2% vs 0.45%

    respectively), rather, it's the role reversal of the worst hand in heads-up, two-card

    poker. The name for the 23 hand, in this variation, is called the "Royal Crumpler",

    among other names.

    All players have a chance to say 'in' or 'out' at the same time by

    holding out one or two fingers, or holding a chip or nothing in their hands; those who

    are 'in' have a showdown.

    Each round starts with an ante. The players then play a

    series of deals; after each one, the winner takes the existing pot and the losers match

    it, so that the pot or some multiple of it carries over to the next deal.

    For example,

    if the pot isR$5 and three people stay in, then one player will receive theR$5 pot and

    two players will be forced to addR$5 each to the next pot, escalating the size of the

    pot for the next deal. Then the hand is re-dealt, and all players (even those who were

    "out" in the last round) can participate again. The round ends when only a single

    player has the guts to stay "in", and thus the pot is taken without


    Declaring "in" or "out" is similar to declaring high or low in high-low

    games. Each player takes a chip, places their hands under the table, and either places

    the chip in one fist or not. Each player then holds their closed fist above the table,

    and the players simultaneously open their hands to reveal their decision (a chip

    represents "in", an empty hand represents "out").

    Rapid pot growth [ edit ]

    One of the

    characteristics of guts is that the pot grows quickly. As it can double or more each

    round, pots of 50 or 100 times the original ante are possible.

    There are many

    variations. Sometimes only the single player with the worst hand (who stayed in) must

    add to the pot, but they must double the pot rather than match it. In one variation,

    nobody wins the pot unless nobody else stays in.

    One solution to the exponentially

    growing pots is to cap them at 50x or 100x the ante. That is, if there are 5 players

    with an ante ofR$1, the pot started atR$5. If there were 3 doublings, the pot is now

    atR$40. Suppose the "cap the pot atR$50" rule were in force. Then, if another doubling

    occurred, each loser would payR$40, but the pot would now be atR$50 and the extraR$30

    would be set aside as the ante once there's a hand with a winner and no loser.


    variants [ edit ]

    straights and flushes In some variants, straights and flushes count

    for two-card guts (making them higher than other no-pair hands). In others, straights

    and flushes do not count for three-card guts.

    high three of a kind Some variations for

    three-card guts rank three of a kind above a straight flush, but the latter occurs less


    partial hands Each player receives all but one card face down, and if they

    are in, they receive their last card face up.

    dummy hands Many variants include a dummy

    hand that must be beaten if only one person stays in. In some variants, rather than a

    dummy hand, you must have a pair or better. In others, the dummy hand always plays

    against the other hands, and may be called "Granny", "The Kitty", "Herb", or "The


    The Batey one community card is flipped over from the top of the deck after all

    hands have been dealt which each player uses in making their hand. Named after its

    inventor, Justin Batey

    dealer option In variants where players do not declare all at

    the same time, the dealer declares last; if no other player has stayed in, the other

    players sometimes have another chance to declare and challenge the dealer. With this

    variation, there is generally no dummy hand.

    chicken fee If no one stays in for a hand

    (more common in variants where there is a dummy hand to beat), everyone has to pay

    another ante on the next deal.

    Henry Rule Similar to the chicken fee. If no one stays

    in, the player with the hand that would have won must match the pot.

    One low "in" and

    wild In this three card game, everyone is dealt one card face up. The player with the

    lowest card face up is automatically in, but that number is wild.

    Two low "in" and wild

    In this three card game, everyone at one point is dealt a card face up. The people with

    the two lowest cards are automatically in but these card numbers are also wild.(If more

    than one person has the same number card, then more than two people can be in.)


    When deciding to stay in, each player also indicates high or low, usually by having a

    high-valued chip in hand for high, low-valued for low, or none for folding. If multiple

    players stay in, the best hand among those indicating high gets half the pot and the

    others have to match the pot. Similarly for low. Usually played with a dummy hand which

    has to be beaten in the appropriate direction to take the pot. If no dummy hand is

    played, a single player choosing high can take half of the pot uncontested even if

    other (low) players are in the game. Some games also allow "Hi-Lo" option, usually

    indicated by both a high-valued chip and a low-valued chip in hand at the reveal. The

    player going "Hi-Lo" competes amongst both the high players and the low-players, and is

    usually only a good idea with hands such as ace-deuce.

    No Peek A pure gambling game,

    each player gets two (or three) cards, but cannot look at them before deciding to stay


    Winner Takes All The winner of a round gets the pot and all the money matched by

    losers. This variant is usually played with a dummy hand and a chicken fee. The pot

    will only grow if there is a chicken fee and no players stay in, or if there is a dummy

    hand and the sole remaining player loses to it.

    School Bus In this variant, the highest

    possible combination of the two-card hand is the 6 and 9, for obvious reasons. Any

    player who loses against this hand must then double the pot in the next round.

    Nuts [

    edit ]

    There is a variant of Guts called Nuts. Each player is required to place a

    certain amount of money in the pot. For example, the bet starts with one dollar. With

    five players, there would be five dollars in the pot. Each player is dealt two cards,

    and the lowest cards win (Pairs are strong). If a player is "in" and no other players

    are, the player gets a "nut." If two players go in, then neither gets a nut. These two

    players have to compete their cards against each other. The lower cards win, and the

    loser has to pay the winner money equivalent to the pot, in this case five


    When the third card is dealt, the best cards are the highest cards. Here the

    process of in and out is repeated. With the fourth card, the low cards are the best.

    Then with the fifth and last card, the higher the better. When a player gets three

    nuts, he or she will get the pot. If three nuts are not awarded within the first round,

    a second round is needed. With the second round, each player adds a dollar to the pot,

    so the pot doubles. This continues until someone gets three nuts, and thus the


    Similar games [ edit ]

    There are a few other games which share the geometric pot

    growth and in/out betting of guts.

    Toh [ edit ]

    Toh is a high-card game in which

    players act in order to decide whether they are in or out, as in guts. There is a

    balance between the number of players and the number of points/cards needed to win;

    this number of points is announced before the game begins. The game is designed for 4

    to 10 people. 4 players might play to 5 points, 8 or more players to only 3 points.


    rules of the game are as follows: the pot is seeded with a penny. Each hand, every

    player is dealt one card face down. The deal rotates. After each deal, discards are

    kept in a separate discard pile; as long as there are enough cards in the remaining

    deck to deal the next hand, there is no reshuffling. (In a friendly game, the last hand

    before a reshuffle may be announced as such.) Each player in turn announces whether

    they are in or out. If only the dealer stays in, players have a second chance to stay

    in as well.

    At the showdown, the losers match the pot, and the winner keeps the high

    card face up next to her. High card wins; card value increases by suit,

    club-diamond-heart-spade. The first player to reach the declared number of points wins

    the game, and takes the pot.


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